Journal Articles
“Other Epic Afterlives: Achilles’ Female Genealogies,” Modern Language Notes 135:5 (2020), 1052- 1062.
“Translating and Transgendering Orestes in Early Modern England,” Translation and Literature 29.1 (2020), 101-116.
“Tragicomic Conceptions: The Winter’s Tale as response to Amphitryo,” co-written with Beatrice Bradley, English Literary Renaissance 47:2 (2017), 251-269. A%3AHFKKREiHTr8YITVUsxrpcOEGpAH1xC1iIJ7LwajpJKx2o7Bp8xbf2bmw34A31BUlPC 4EOpebqus
“Staging Ford in New York, 2015: An Interview with Jesse Berger, Artistic Director of the Red Bull Theater,” Early Modern Literary Studies Special Issue 26 (2017).
“Homer and Greek Tragedy in Early Modern England’s Theatres: An Introduction,” co-written with Tania Demetriou, in Homer and Greek Tragedy in Early Modern England’s Theatres, special issue of Classical Receptions 9:1 (2017), 1-35.
“Milton, Drama, and Greek Texts: Preface,” co-written with Tania Demetriou, in Milton, Drama, and Greek Texts 31:2 (2016), 131-137.
“What’s Hecuba to Shakespeare?,” Renaissance Quarterly 65:4 (2012), 1060-1093.
“A Kind of Wild Medicine: Revenge as Remedy in Early Modern England,” in Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 50 (2005), 57-69.
“‘A Thing Like Death’: Poisons and Sleeping Potions in Romeo and Juliet and Antony and Cleopatra,” Renaissance Drama 32 (2003), 95-121.
“Beauty’s Poisonous Properties,” Shakespeare Studies 27 (1999), 187-210. 87
Book Chapters
“Acting Like Greeks,” in Thomas Heywood and the Classical Tradition, ed. Tania Demetriou and Janice Valls-Russell (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2021), 229-243.
“Playhouses,” in Shakespeare and Emotion, ed. Katharine Craik (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020), 109-121.–emotion/audiences/8DB6A8B1C59311F3BB2EE71170AD1443
“The Classical Tradition,” in Shakespeare/Sense, ed. Simon Smith (London: Bloomsbury, 2020), 62-81.–sense-9781474273251/
“Knowing Kin and Kind in The Winter’s Tale,” in Blind Spots of Knowledge in Shakespeare and his World, ed. Subha Mukherji (Kalamazoo: Medieval Institutes Publications, 2019), 123-132.
“Encountering Homer through Greek Plays in Sixteenth-century Europe,” in Epic Performances: from the Middle Ages into the Twenty-first Century, ed. Fiona Macintosh and Justine McConnell (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018), 63-75. performances-from-the-middle-ages-into-the-twenty-first-century- 9780198804215?cc=us&lang=en&
“Genre: Comedy and Tragedy,” in The Routledge Research Companion to Shakespeare and Classical Literature, ed. Sean Keilen and Nicholas Moschovakis (New York: Routledge, 2017), 42-56. Literature/Keilen-Moschovakis/p/book/9781032096988
“’Tragicomedy,” in The Oxford History of Classical Reception in English Literature, Vol. 2: The Renaissance, eds. Patrick Cheney and Philip Hardie (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015), 419-432. english-literature-9780198859161?lang=en&cc=us#
“Teaching Petrarch and Shakespeare,” in Approaches to Teaching Petrarch’s “Canzoniere” and Petrarchism, ed. Christopher Kleinhenz and Andrea Dini (New York: MLA, 2014), 230-233. Literature/Approaches-to-Teaching-Petrarch-s-Canzoniere-and-the-Petrarchan-Tradition
“Greek Playbooks and Dramatic Forms in Early Modern England,” in Formal Matters: Reading the Materials of English Renaissance Literature, ed. Allison Deutermann and Andras Kisery (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2013), 99-123.
“Introduction,” co-written with Katharine Craik, in Shakespearean Sensations (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013), 1-25. literature/shakespearean-sensations-experiencing-literature-early-modern-england?format=PB
“Conceiving Tragedy,” in Shakespearean Sensations (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013), 85-100. modern-literature/shakespearean-sensations-experiencing-literature-early-modern- england?format=PB
“Barnabe Barnes” and “Stephen Gosson,” in Encyclopedia of English Renaissance Literature, ed. Alan Stewart and Garrett Sullivan (Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2012), Vol 1, 46-47 & 393-395. 9781405194495
“Audience reception,” in The Oxford Handbook to Shakespeare, ed. Arthur Kinney (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012), 452-467.
“Drugs, Poisons, Remedies, and the Theatre,” in Middleton in Context, ed. Suzanne Gossett (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 2011), 287-94. literature/thomas-middleton-context?format=HB&isbn=9780521190541
“Tragedy and Revenge,” in The Cambridge Companion to English Renaissance Tragedy, eds. Emma Smith and Garrett Sullivan (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010), 58-72. tragedy/EFEF6A1A08B386667F7D2E2B8A8FFFE8
“Enclosing the Body: Tudor Conceptions of Skin,” in A Companion to Tudor Literature and Culture, 1485-1603, ed. Kent Cartwright (Oxford: Blackwell, 2010), 111-123. e
“‘A Thing Like Death’: Poisons and Sleeping Potions in Romeo and Juliet and Antony and Cleopatra,” reprinted (from Renaissance Drama, 2003) in Harold Bloom’s Modern Critical Interpretations, William Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet, New Edition (New York: Chelsea House, 2009), 29-54. se
“Romancing the Greeks: Cymbeline’s Genres and Models,” in How To Do Things with Shakespeare, ed. Laurie Maguire (Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2007), 34-53. 9780470693308
“Spelling the Body,” in Environment and Embodiment in Early Modern England, ed. Garrett Sullivan and Mary Floyd-Wilson (Basingstoke, Palgrave: 2007), 171-86.
“The Pleasures and perils of smoking in early modern England,” in Smoke: A Global History of Smoking, eds. Sander Gilman and Zhou Xun (London: Reaktion Press, 2004), 38-45.
“‘No Faith in Physic’: Masquerades of Medicine Onstage and Off,” in Disease, Diagnosis and Cure on the Early Modern Stage, eds. Stephanie Moss and Kaara Peterson (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004).
“Les dangers de la beauté: Maquillage et théâtre au dix-septième siècle en Angleterre,” La Beauté et Ses Monstres, eds. Line Cottegnies, Tony Gheeraert et Gisèle Venet (Paris: Presses de la Nouvelle Sorbonne, 2002), 231-241.
Web Articles
“Medicine on the Early Modern Stage,” in Reading Early Modern Medicine, ed. Mary Fissell and Elaine Leong, Max Planck Institute for the History of Medicine, (2022).
“English Tragedy,” co-authored with Garrett Sullivan, in Oxford Bibliographies in Renaissance and Reformation, ed. Margaret King, in Oxford Bibliographies Online (Oxford University Press, 2022),
“Hecuba,” in A Dictionary of Shakespeare’s Classical Mythology, ed. Yves Peyré, (2015)